The Birth of the Iconic Red Ribbon
The year 1988 heralded the dawn of a new drug free era – the birth of the iconic Red Ribbon. Established in memory of a US DEA agent, Enrique ‘Kiki’ Continue reading The Birth of the Iconic Red Ribbon
Supplies and promotional materials for Red Ribbon Week
The year 1988 heralded the dawn of a new drug free era – the birth of the iconic Red Ribbon. Established in memory of a US DEA agent, Enrique ‘Kiki’ Continue reading The Birth of the Iconic Red Ribbon
From Despair to a Drug Free Life is possible, and you can help, and make a difference that is lasting. You can help transform the life of an individual into Continue reading From Despair to a Drug Free Life
Red Ribbon Week is fast approaching – working to create a drug free generation – supported by proactive parents. Because more and more parents are getting involved in the campaign Continue reading A Drug Free Generation – supported by Proactive Parents
Top 5 favorite Red Ribbon Week ideas include great concepts for kids not only to hear, but ideals to believe in. Originally posted 2013-10-08 14:41:35. Republished by Blog Post Promoter