Why Be Drug Free?

Why be drug free? Statistics have shown that most drug use can have negative effects on the body and mind. They are addictive substances that, once started, cannot be stopped easily, usually not without medical assistance. Drugs have been known to ruin not only the life of the user, but the lives of the user’s loved ones.

life or drugs

Why be drug free?

Drugs attract those that are seeking an escape, whether from a trauma, difficult life circumstances, or just looking for a thrill ride.  And drugs can be intoxicating.

And yet we all know how a drug habit leads to a debilitating life; often reducing one to begging, prostitution, or criminality. The key to remaining drug free is to take a long view, to recognize where the road leads before straying onto that path.

Friends and family suffer right along with the drug user. Sometimes more so, as from the outside looking in they may be more acutely aware of the destruction of the drug users life than the drug user.

While there are plenty of kids that seek the thrill ride, many more are looking for the escape from a difficult situation. Kids that are reserved, withdrawn and angry are possible drug users, or potential drug victims.

To help these kids requires immense patience, understanding, and unconditional caringWhy be drug free? without judgement.

Why be drug free?  Because life is beautiful, even on a bad day. Revealing that beauty to a troubled kid could change the course of their path. Fight for a kid today and help make a difference by lending your time, spreading the word, and offering nonjudgmental understanding.


Originally posted 2013-07-11 12:01:30. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

About Mita

A freelance writer and documentary film producer/director, she has a wide knowledge of children in general, and special needs children in particular (due to several documentaries she produced on the subject.)